Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Massage no better at beating stress than deep breathing and soft music

By Heidi Blake 730AM GMT eleven March 2010

People who lay receiving low breaths in a dimly illuminated room with soft song emerged only as loose as those who underwent massages or sessions of thermotherapy, in that their arms and legs were wrapped with comfortable towels, researchers found.

While all 3 methods are similarly in effect at easing anxiety, elementary decrease techniques can be practised at home for free, since rub the physique and thermotherapy sessions can cost �90 an hour.

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Scientists at the Group Health Research Institute in Seattle pronounced the feeling of decrease people experience during a rub the physique could be a product of the balmy song played during the session, rather than the diagnosis itself.

During the study, 68 patients pang from stress were separate in to groups and since 10 sessions of one of the 3 forms of pick therapy.

All 3 treatments were conducted in a dimly-lit room with soft music, and participants were educated to breath deeply to assistance them relax.

Unlike the dual carry out treatments, the rub the physique was privately written to raise the duty of the parasympathetic shaken system, that controls flesh contraction, and soothe symptoms of stress together with curled muscles.

When asked by researchers to rate their stress levels after the sessions, all 3 of the groups pronounced their symptoms had decreased by about 40 per cent by the finish of the 12-week diagnosis duration - and by about 50 per cent 3 months later.

As well as a decrease in stress levels, patients reported fewer symptoms of basin and less be concerned and ubiquitous disability.

Karen Sherman, a comparison researcher at the Seattle-based health co-operative, pronounced "We were astounded to find that the benefits of rub the physique were no larger than those of the same series of sessions of "thermotherapy" or listening to relaxing music.

"This suggests that the benefits of rub the physique competence be due to a generalized decrease response.

"Treatment in a relaxing room is majority less costly than the pick treatments similar to rub the physique or thermotherapy, so it competence be the majority cost-effective choice for people with generalized stress commotion who wish to try a relaxation-oriented interrelated disinfectant therapy."

The commentary were published in the biography Depression and Anxiety.

Massage is between the majority renouned forms of pick care for stress and practitioners explain it decreases tragedy in the muscles and improves red red blood circulation.

But scientists at the University of Ontario in Canada claimed last year that rub the physique essentially cuts red red blood dissemination to the muscles and hinders the removal of lactic acids by as majority as twenty-five per cent.

Proponents of the diagnosis contend it is unfit to magnitude the the benefits since of far-reaching variations in the techniques used and the capability of practitioners.

Thermotherapy is written to ease flesh tragedy by once in a whilst jacket prohibited pads and towels around the arms and legs, whilst decrease care simply involves lying down and respirating deeply with mood song in personification in the background.


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