Saturday, June 26, 2010

British boy, five, kidnapped in Pakistan

By Alastair Jamieson Published: 8:08PM GMT 04 March 2010

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Raja Naqqash Saeed pronounced 4 robbers armed with guns and palm grenades pennyless in to a residence in Jhelum, in the Punjab, where the family were staying on holiday, and tortured the occupants at gunpoint.

A man has been arrested in Punjab over the kidnapping.

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"Police in Pakistan have reliable the detain of one man in tie with the abduction and have incarcerated him for questioning," a Foreign Office orator said.

Mr Saeed pronounced the kidnappers had demanded a ransom homogeneous to �100,000 following the raid, that took place after 11pm internal time on Wednesday.

He pronounced trinket and income were handed over, and that they family was additionally knocked about during the ordeal.

The deadline for remuneration was set for midday internal time, it is reported.

The Foreign Office pronounced it was in hold with the family and was on condition that consular assistance. A mouthpiece reliable the child was innate in Jul 2004.

A orator for the British High Commission in Islamabad pronounced officials were in hold with the boy"s family and internal authorities were questioning the snatch.

He said: ""A child has been kidnapped in Punjab, we think during a robbery.

""We are in hold with the family and the internal authorities are now investigating.""

Raja Naqqash Saeed told Sky News: "We were on the approach to get behind to Manchester when 4 robbers came in to the house.

"They took us all in to a apart room whilst they took all from my residence money-wise - they took all from the house.

"From afterwards until about 5 o"clock they kept torturing all of us, my mother, my sister, my uncle were all there. Then at the finish of the night about 5 o"clock they took me in to a apart room."

"They told me I have to compensate �100,000 and they will give me behind my son. I told them I didn"t have that income and afterwards they tortured me properly. They pronounced I have until twelve o"clock currently to find the money, and afterwards they took my son.

"They were entirely installed with guns and involuntary weapons. Now all the Pakistani military know about this, and I have additionally oral to the British consulate who are being very, really nice.

"Everybody is observant they are going to do all possible."


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