Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Laser pointer pens poise risk to children


Children could humour critical eye injuries from personification with laser pointer pens, relatives were warned today.

In a minute to the British Medical Journal (BMJ), doctors pronounced youngsters were at risk of browns to their eyes from high-powered laser pointers.

Dr Kimia Ziahosseini and colleagues from the Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Manchester Royal Eye Hospital told how a teen child suffered executive scotomas (dark spots) after he paid for a immature laser pointer over the internet and shone the laser lamp in to his eyes whilst personification with it.

It cut the ill temper of his prophesy by half, and tests suggested browns to the aspect of the eye and disturbances to the retina, the light supportive tissue at the behind of the eye.

Two months later, his distinctness of prophesy softened but a little retinal repairs remained.

The doctors warned lasers might customarily appear to leave an after-image but they can essentially means permanent eye repairs and visible loss in after years.

The lasers, that are customarily small in size, battery-operated and hand-held, in all evacuate possibly red or immature light.

According to the Health Protection Agency (HPA), laser pointers have been used by workers when giving presentations for most years with no reports of incidents.

Laser pointers sole in the UK should be personal in suitability with the stream British Standard on laser safety, the HPA said.


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